

Version 0.2 | view on github | view in Package Manager | get RADIANCE

Description: Adds some basic Radiance functionalities to Dynamo.
Needs RADIANCE version 4 or higher installed.
The radiance/bin folder has to be added to the system path.


  • Generators
    • GenerateBox
      • Description:runs Radiance genbox.
      • Inputs: material, name, length, width, height.
      • Output: A string describing the six surfaces generated by genbox.
    • SkyAtDateTime
      • Description: Takes the Date and Time of a DateTime node and additional options if necessary.
      • Inputs: DateTime, options.
      • Output: A radiance sky from gensky.
    • SkyByDefault
      • Description: Returns the gensky defaults.
      • Output: the gensky defaults.
    • SkyFromSunPosition
      • Description: Takes the sun altitude and azimuth + additional options to run gensky.
      • Inputs: azimuth, altitude, options.
      • Output: A radiance sky from gensky.
  • Helpers
    • ByGlazingPercentage
      • Description: generates a window of the given glazing percentage on a rectangular surface.
      • Inputs: surface, percentage
      • Output: A surface that defines a window.
    • CreateEvaluationPoints
      • Description: creates points above a given surface with a defined distance and margin (offset) that can be used as evaluation points.
      • Inputs: Ucount, Vcount, surface, distance, offset
      • Output: List of points for evaulation
    • DiffWindowsFromWall
      • Description: subtracts all windows placed on a surface. Necessary because RADIANCE cannot handle windows placed ON a wall.
      • Inputs: wall, windows
      • Output: The wall with holes.
    • EvaluationPointsList
      • Description: Takes a list of points and a direction. Creates evaluation points as a string that act as measurement points and orientation.
      • Inputs: points, direction
      • Output: mesurement points and orientation.
    • ObjectsToString
      • Description: Takes a list of RadObjects to convert them in a computeable radiance string.
      • Inputs: objects.
      • Output: Objects as radiance string.
    • TesselateSurface
      • Description: Tesselates any Dynamo.Geometry if necessary (e.g. surface with holes or free curved surface). Directly gets the vertices of the triangles and returns them as point lists for further use as polygons.
      • Inputs: geometry
      • Output: Point Lists of the tesselated geometry.
  • RadObject
    • Material
      • Description: Generates a RADIANCE material.
      • Inputs: modifier, type, name, red, green, blue, specularity (can be null), roughness (can be null)
      • Output: A RADIANCE material
    • Polygon
      • Description: Generates a RADIANCE polygon.
      • Inputs: material, name, points.
      • Output: A RADIANCE polygon.
    • Sphere
      • Description: Generates a RADIANCE sphere.
      • Inputs: material, name, centerPoint, radius.
      • Output: A RADIANCE sphere.
  • Simulation
    • CalculateLux
      • Description: Takes the definition octree for the scene and runs rtrace (options: -I -ab 1 -oov -h) and rcalc (options: -e "$1=$1;$2=$2;$3=179*(.265*$4+.670*$5+.065*$6)") to receive LUX at the evaluation points.
      • Inputs: scene, evaluationPoints.
      • Output: LUX values as string.
    • CreateSceneFromFiles
      • Description: Takes the definition files for Sky, Material and Objects and creates a scene octree.
      • Inputs: filepath (the full filepath for the scene output.), skyFile (filepath), materialFile (filepath), objectFile (filepath)
      • Output: The filepath of the scene octree.
    • CreateSceneFromString
      • Description: Creates a scene octree from a given string. generates a .rad file next to the scene file.
      • Inputs: filepath (the full filepath for the scene output.), input (the string of RADIANCE objects).
      • Output: The filepath of the scene octree.
    • CreateSceneFromFiles
      • Description: Takes the definition files for Sky, Material and Objects and creates a scene octree.
      • Inputs: filepath (the full filepath for the scene output.), sky (the string of RADIANCE sky), materials (the string of RADIANCE materials), objects (the string of RADIANCE objects).
      • Output: The filepath of the scene octree..
