Version 0.2 | view on github | get EnergyPlus
Description: Allows to run EnergyPlus (EP) from within Dynamo. All basic Elements can be defined using Dynamo geometry and additional information.
Needs EnergyPlus installed.
This package is under development. Please leave any comments, suggestions and issues at github.
- Building
- Description: creates a EP Building.
- Elements
- Description:Collection of all EP elements, including building, material, surfaces, etc. This collection is used to create the final EP simulation file.
- EquipmentList
- Description: creates a EP EquipmentList.
- FenestrationSurface
- Description: creates a EP FenestrationSurface.
- IdealLoadAirSystem
- Description: creates a EP IdealLoadAirSystem.
- Material
- Description: creates a EP Material.
- MaterialAirGap
- Description: creates a EP MaterialAirGap.
- MaterialNoMass
- Description: creates a EP MaterialNoMass.
- Project
- Description: creates a project at a specified folder. This can be used for defining a subfolder structure and to store all EP elements within. project is not mandatory!
- ShadingOverhang
- Description: creates a EP ShadingOverhang.
- ShadingSurface
- Description: creates a EP ShadingSurface.
- Simulation
- Description: Runs the EP simulation from a specified simulation file. directory specifies the install directory of EP.
- Surface
- Description: creates a EP Surface.
- WindowMaterialGas
- Description: creates a EP WindowMaterialGas.
- WindowMaterialGlazing
- Description: creates a EP WindowMaterialGlazing.
- WindowMaterialSimpleGlazingSystem
- Description: creates a EP WindowMaterialSimpleGlazingSystem.
- Zone
- Description: creates a EP Zone.
- ZoneConnections
- Description: creates a EP ZoneConnections.
- ZoneList
- Description: creates a EP ZoneList.
- idfFile
- Description: Handles the simulation files.
- IdfFile
- Description: Writes the Elements to a file.
- Template
- Description: Reads in the Elements from a specified template file.